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Software development

Teach Coding to Kids – Step by Step Guide

Parents must have encountered this question lately, “How to teach Coding to Kids?”. Because coding for kids is something you have to know about. Just when you start getting accustomed to the existing technology, something new drops in the market. Today’s kids have a better knack for technology than the elders. All these things indicate one thing. It’s time to get these kids acquainted with the whole making of all things technology.The one most important word is ‘Coding’.

1. Define Coding Step by Step

It goes without saying that over the next 10 years, programming will be one of the fastest-growing occupations. When we learn something (new), we learn it thoroughly and step by step.Thereafter, it is ideal to teach and learn coding step by step. Let us talk about the first step. It will act as their guiding principle or rule of thumb to keep in mind when they’re confused.

2. Talk About Coding Languages

The way we speak to different people in different languages, we communicate with gadgets in the language they interpret. It’s time to teach a new language.

Introduce the different languages to the students – from the child-friendly Scratch, Javascript, Java, Python and C++. 

Remember to mention that each language is used for a specific goal to achieve in mind, with a specific gadget or software. You must remember that when teaching coding basics to kids, Scratch should be the first step of their journey. Start from scratch, literally.


Before you teach Python to kids, or more complex languages, teach them the simple ones. Therefore children of age 7 to 15 years must learn Scratch.

As established, Scratch is the best way for kids to learn coding. It helps in inculcating strong coding basics for kids. This language offers a visual learning experience for the children as it enables them to drag and drop blocks of code to create different characters and games. Scratch is a great coding platform for beginners.


This is the next best coding language for beginners. It plays a crucial role while teaching kids to code. Children can use JavaScript to create fun games, websites, and other client-facing applications.


Java is the most popular and widely-used language. The popular and loving game, Minecraft, was coded in Java. 


No, not the snake. But if you crack this language, you can slither through smoothly! Teach Python to kids next since it is very complex. Once they have a strong foundation in language, it will be easier to learn and write Python better.

3. Building their interest and excitement!

Grasping the attention of young minds is key to teaching them new concepts (and to be honest, their attention span is that of a goldfish). As explained above, if we talk about the different languages they know and video games that involve coding. 

It will have them hooked and intrigued. You will connect with them as an educator. It enables you to successfully and efficiently teach kids programming. If they are not interested in coding, tell them how data science and AI are related to sports or how pressing a button on their gadgets implements a code and brings about the action they want. Coding could be as simple as pressing the on and off on their phone.

4. The right coding platforms for beginners

For young kids

MIT’s Scratch is a free programming tool. It is designed especially for kids and runs in all modern Web browsers. Pick similar courses and tutorials that have visual styles and captivate a child’s attention. Most computer courses and programming tools are curated to teach kids how to program using Scratch. Since Scratch has blocks of code that won’t fit together if they do not get along computationally, making syntax errors is impossible. 

It makes Scratch the perfect tool for younger kids who can’t type well.

For older kids

Once young kids learn Scratch, they would want to upgrade to a new and advanced language. They eventually outgrow the basics. Coding for teens and pre-teens involves teaching them programming languages like Python. It makes for the perfect first programming since it involves simple syntax.

5. Writing codes is the way to go when teaching kids how to program

Practice makes perfect. Computer programming tutorials that involve making kids code themselves are key. As an educator, there is only so much you can explain and talk about to teach kids programming. Hands-on code writing and regular practice equip a child with holistic learning. Python is great for kids who want to practice since it is interactive. Subsequently, it encourages experimentation with the instructions. Make kids create their games with different coding software. They can move to web and app development with time. The key is streamlining their practice sessions in a step-by-step process and assisting them when they hit roadblocks. STEM has become an integral part of the education system throughout the world. But many people are still unaware of its core objectives. It could help us win against the challenges that the future has in front of us. 

6. Teach kids programming on a computer of their own

Are you teaching a group of kids? 

Is it a personal tutoring session? Either way, push for each student to access a computer or laptop of their own. The way kids need their football or guitar to learn the sport or the instrument, in the same way, kids need their gadget to learn to code.

A simple bare-bone PC is a good starter kit for young students. They would, of course, include a mouse, keyboard, and monitor. Try to keep Chromebooks, iPads, and tablets at bay since Python tends to get complicated to run on these gadgets.

7. Coding for Newbies is different from Computer Science

If you have an academic background in computer science or software development, you tend to think on a higher scale and have better concepts at the helm of your thoughts. As educators, we love to share our knowledge with young minds and explain endless ideas to you.

If we talk about programming jobs in the future, out of the top 10 jobs, 4 will require programming experience.

While it’s a lot of fun and helpful on a different level, kids begin coding in the shallow end of the pool.

Now to come to your rescue, we at Woftek teach coding for kids online. Should you be interested in coding, or need more convincing on its importance, visit our website. You can also take a free coding class for your child!






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